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Greetings ~

We have a sizable property and need lighting here and there. We have bought rope lights for the last several years at Harbor Freight Company and have been totally satisfied with them. For one thing, they are around $10 which is great for a penny-pincher like me.

Also, the quality and workmanship is very good. We bought our first one around three years ago and it is still working.

Also, so many of the solar lights do not stay on all night. These do. So that's another plus. I have been buying tools and supplies from Harbor Freight for many, many years. I was very glad when they built a store about 18-miles from us. Now I don't have to mail order any more.

Anyway, this is not a commercial for Harbor Freight. But the truth is the truth.

A few weeks ago, I was cleaning out a shed and came across a coach light that used to be by the driveway. It hung out there for around 12 to 14 years. But then the electrical lightbulb socket went bad. It was electric and wired to the house. I was forced to take it down but couldn't bring myself to scrap it because I liked the fixture. Originally, I got it at Lowe's. It was on their "closeout" table and I saved around $30 on it. (That penny-pinching again).

I put it in the shed thinking I would simply re-wire it some day. Well, the other week I was cleaning that shed and pulled it out to get started re-wiring it. The wife and I had just come home that morning from Harbor Freight where I had bought two rope lights. All of a sudden, my brain exploded with an idea. I cleaned up the mess and then set out using the rope light in the old coach light fixture. It turned out pretty good.

So far, I have made two wall fixtures using these rope lights. If you need a quick and easy way to use an old light fixture, you might want to try this. They come on automatically and go off the same way. If you buy the lights from Harbor Freight, they will stay on all night and will even work pretty well on cloudy days. Plus no wiring to a house or building.

This blog shows both lights that I made and how I did it. You'll see how easy it is. Even someone in a coma can do it...well, okay, maybe not in a coma. But anyone else can.